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Math Geek Mom: In Celebration of the Primary School Teacher

One of the reasons I fell in love with the field of economics was its logical progression, the linear way...

Meeting Pinball

Since Thanksgiving is next week, nobody wants to have meetings next week. That means that this week was doubled up...

Rendell's Recipes - Thanksgiving-ish

Something like a quarter to a third of greenhouse gas emissions, globally, are the result of food production. So one...

Long Distance Mom: Archiving

What does it mean to archive emails? Are they the letters for the 21st century? Or are they the phone...

The Not So Open Door

Latest data on flow of international students to the U.S. raise questions about state quotas and tuition policies and how to calculate the economic value of students, writes Alan Ruby.

Eleven Learning's Long Tail Textbook Strategy

This week I had a chat with the founders of Eleven Learning, a Cambridge Mass based startup with ambitions to...

Permanent Austerity

In a discussion last week, I realized that the common denominator to so many of my personal hobbyhorses is fatigue...

More grocery grabbers

Four more quick points, all more or less grocery-related. 1. On the wall of the produce department was an advertising...