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Why Higher Ed Needs Leaders With Disabilities

The paucity of data on leaders with disabilities suggests that few people are even thinking about this crucial aspect of diversity, equity, inclusion and justice, Darla Schumm writes.

On Creativity

“Yes, and” to Deborah Cohan’s column.

Why You Should Join Your Graduate Student Organization

You will miss out on a great opportunity if you pass up the chance to be involved with such a group, writes Tithi Basu Mallik.

Grants for Doctoral Students Remain Available

Some programs may be ending, but Mellon and ACLS still support dissertation work and early-career scholars.

Forging a Creative Life as an Academic

Too many people confess they can’t wait to retire so they can finally write what they really want. They spend years living and working in ways that are conditional and constraining, writes Deborah J. Cohan.

Patterns of Prestige

Scott McLemee reviews W. David Marx’s Status and Culture: How Our Desire for Social Rank Creates Taste, Identity, Art, Fashion, and Constant Change.

Friday Fragments

A surprising book recommendation, reader responses on fundraising and the return of The Girl.