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Do We Really Need New University Models?

What’s missing from the proposed new educational models for the post-COVID era.

More Vexing Than the Impostor Syndrome

Certain classroom practices that faculty unconsciously engage in can make students question their intelligence, competence and sense of belonging, writes Angelica S. Gutierrez.

Faculty Teaching the Way They Were Taught

Whether you consider teaching an art, craft, science or profession, it is clear that K-12 teachers are more fully prepared than many of us who teach in higher ed.

‘Cancellation’ Narratives Mistake Symptoms as Causes

Poor training in teaching is one of several deeper organizational problems underlying issues like cancel culture and self-censorship, Kyle Sebastian Vitale writes.

4 Things That Feel Harder Than Ever This Academic Year

The challenges of higher ed work in post-COVID academia (if we can say “post-COVID”).

We Need Cultural Travelers in Presidential Transitions

These days, an interim or new president must be ready to immediately manage myriad campus challenges, and that requires identifying and calling upon trusted sages, advises Patrick Sanaghan.