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The Cost of Parenting

Nadia Taha has two interesting articles on the economic price of parenting in The New York Times this week. Her thoughts have evoked emotional responses, both in the comments to the second article and in blog comments.

World University Rankings -- Time for a Name Change?

Is there an alternative term to World University Rankings that would better reflect the realities of the very uneven global landscape of higher education and research?

Math Geek Mom: Thanksgiving

The last time I taught a class called “History of Math”, a class I rarely teach at Ursuline College, my...

It's Time to Rethink Tenure

Institutions, faculty members and (most important) students will be better off with other forms of job security for professors, writes Chris Palmer.

Death of the Degree? Not So Fast

Talk of disruption aside, Silicon Valley’s millions and the spread of MOOCs won’t kill the degree – they’ll help improve it, Daniel Pianko and Ryan Craig argue.

Valuing Higher Education in the "New" Economy

As students and families are questioning the value of a college degree and unsure about the accumulating debt in the process, it is critical to make the case for the value of education on our campuses and even to reallocate the savings offered by efficiencies to improve that value.

Information Privacy: What's Abortion Got to Do With It?

In a working group list service, some of the privacy professional around higher education have been enjoying a lively discussion about "privacy." This blog is a good place to share thoughts to all of you.