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It's Reckoning Time

End of semester grading is upon me.

Sustainability and business and dissonance

When I get off Greenback's campus and into the surrounding community of Backboro, I often work with local government and grassroots organizations concerned with sustainability. The government groups, of course, are constituted within (and so inherently committed to) prevailing structures of governance.

A Wayward Plan in Wisconsin

Gov. Scott Walker’s vision for judging the success of his state’s public universities would be a bad model for Wisconsin and the country, writes Benjamin Rifkin.

Pincers in Pittsburgh

I winced when I read about the Community College of Allegheny County telling its adjuncts that it would cap their hours in order to avoid penalties under the Affordable Care Act. The commentary over the next few days was predictable: conservatives saying “I told you so,” and everyone else saying that this is just another example of evil administrators running a college like a business.

Mothering at Mid-Career: "Immediate Job Payoff"?

I spent Thanksgiving weekend mostly off the internet and in the company of people and books I love, catching up with both. I was rereading a Dickens novel and spending time with family and friends, luxuriating in the long weekend that made both possible. As my daughter was packing up to return to college for the end of the semester, she asked if I'd be writing about her today. "Maybe," I said. But rather than write directly about her I want to write about three things that I’ve been thinking about both over the weekend and this morning.

3 E-Learning Lessons from "One Second After"

Normally I don't read books that feature an introductory chapter from New Gingrich, but I'm very happy that in this case my liberal filter bubble was successfully breached.

Abortion and Information Management

It is a title designed to catch attention, but the content has the purpose of drawing an important similarity to what most take as a distinction.

Dating and Job-Hunting

Lori A. Flores writes that both activities are bound to produce some heartbreak along the way.