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Confronting Nontraditional Bullies in Academe

Becky K. Becker advises readers to be aware and wary of two types that often thrive unrecognized: the opportunist and the victim.

Of Hobbitology

Scott McLemee interviews author Robert T. Tally Jr. on J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit: Realizing History Through Fantasy: A Critical Companion.

Top 3 Challenges Facing Higher Education Marcomm in 2023

Direct admissions, employee retention and AI must be top of mind this year.

Investing in Ukraine Through Scholarships

Alfred University president Mark Zupan encourages other university administrators to continue to invest in Ukraine, its people and its future through scholarships.

Academic Freedom or Muslim Students’ Rights? The Answer Is Neither

The perceived choice demeans the rationality and intellect of devout Muslims and diminishes the university practices needed to accommodate Muslim students with respect.

Aspiring to Wisdom

Getting older isn’t a choice, but how you respond to it is.

Seeing Past the Dazzle of ChatGPT

To help put text generators in the proper perspective, we need to turn toward each other to determine guidelines for the use of such tools, Anna Mills writes.