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No on Sickle Cell Trait Testing

Division III sports programs should oppose a medically unsubstantiated NCAA proposal to test athletes for the health trait, Mark Peluso and Paul Berkner write.

What Is a Colleague?

No campus is an island, none of us stands alone. Maria Shine Stewart offers various definitions of a word often used and rarely discussed.

Old Books Contain Other Stories, Part 2

Reading between the lines for what's most important.

Honesty As a Resolution

I was chatting with a friend and she asked what my New Year’s Resolution was. I paused and thought about how I do not really believe in these sorts of things, but then realized that my resolutions are formed in late August or September, prior to a new school term starting. Last year my resolution was to continue to make mentoring my mandate. This school year my resolution was for honesty.

Advocating for Analog: Why I Still Use Paper

It's a digital world, and I'm a digital girl. Well, sometimes. I use my Google calendar to remind me of every single event crammed into my days, my Dropbox account has all of my data and writing backed up so I can access it at any moment, I read off a Kindle before I go to sleep, and my phone pretty much runs my life from the moment the alarm goes off to the minute that I put it on silent for bedtime. Despite the fact that I tote my laptop with me everywhere and have thousands of PDFs and word documents for all my courses and research, I really like paper.

Friday Fragments

The kids (and TW) had a snow day earlier this week, so she took them sledding. At one point, when she was standing on a sled, the sled went one way and she went another, with her knee sort of splitting the difference.

Academic IT Departments and "The Power of Habit"

What is the last book you passed around to your direct reports or your larger organization? A book that you thought was worth the time for your colleagues to read, worth the investment of paying for the book, and worth the time for everyone to discuss? A book that you thought would help get everyone on the same page, challenge current thinking, and inspire your team?

Survey Results: More on Politics, Etc.

Our post on “What Surprised You When You First Started Working in Higher Education” (the results of our brief survey) generated a fair number of emails and tweets about the politics in higher education, so we thought we would look into this area a bit more for today’s post.