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Lessons from U of P's Innovator's Accelerator Online Course

Are we paying close enough attention to the lessons we can learn from our colleagues in for-profit higher education? Will the for-profits invest the resources and maintain the long-term focus necessary to develop educational platforms and post-secondary services that elevate them into the elite tier of higher education?

No Child Left Standing

An award-winning high school teacher wants to make sure we know what's to blame for unprepared college students. He's asked college teachers to spread the word.

Gun Control: What Makes Common Sense?

In the aftermath of the December 2012 shooting tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, I joined with a group of more than 350 university presidents and chief executive officers to sign a letter urging our elected representatives in Washington to take action against what is becoming an increasingly disturbing incidence of gun violence at educational institutions.

The 'No Wake Syndrome'

College leaders must have a strong backbone to build a viable online program and be willing to handle the results if they pull it off, writes Kenneth E. Hartman, former president of Drexel's eLearning program.

The Rogue Scholar

Brandy Schillace explains how she is transitioning from a tenure-track position to an alt-ac career.


The last time I wrote about Sandy Shugart, I gave him a bit of a hard time. Based on his essay last week, I regret that. It’s a wonderful piece, well worth reading. It’s about the “completion agenda,” and the useful and destructive ways that it can be interpreted.

Arrested Development, Contingent Edition

Why do I feel like all of my friends got to become adults and I didn't?

From Consulting to Publishing: 4 Questions for Cengage Learning's William Rieders

William Rieders is Chief Strategy and Corporate Development Officer for Cengage Learning. Prior to joining Cengage Learning, William was a partner at The Parthenon Group, a consulting company with a robust practice in education. Moving from consulting to publishing gives William a perspective on higher ed that is different from those of us that make our living teaching and working within the walls of the university.