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Cities, MOOCs, Global Networks

Discussions about the tangle of global networks being formed via MOOCs.

What a Difference a Decade Makes: Part II

The Financial Times published its 15th annual ranking of the world’s leading providers of executive education programs last week. Once again, what a difference a decade makes.

Reform or Retreat?

College presidents and provosts at all institutions -- be they Division I or Division III -- must be vigilant about compromises and challenges to amateurism, writes John R. Thelin.

The College Sports Bubble

The American system of high-powered intercollegiate athletics is heading for a fall, Richard Vedder writes -- unless burgeoning scandals and problems compel changes.

One of 500

I received a rejection letter today for a job that had over 500 applicants. So much for the "meritocracy" of higher education.

Thinking Context: Professors and Teachers

Professor and teacher are not interchangeable words. Our students are unlikely to realize this.