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The Wandering Mind of an Academic

I was sitting at my desk in the late hours of the night, trying to write a paper and I was absolutely where I did not want to be at that moment. Instead of having to write that paper, I would have preferred to have spent these hours watching a good film,or listening to some music while I read a good book.

Six Steps to Hack your Literature Pile

Does the following situation sound familiar to you? Your supervisor gave you some papers to start exploring your topic. You start reading, excited to learn more about the subject. Then you start looking up all the references and continue reading from there. You follow a few journals in your field and print out all the recent relevant publications on this topic. Meanwhile, the number of publications you want to look at keeps on growing

3 Suggestions for For-Profits

Let me begin by stating my biases about for-profit education. I believe in the potential of for-profit education to be a force for good. I believe that the profit motive is not antithetical to the larger societal goals of higher education.

Announcing THATCamp Kentucky!

Where I announce THATCamp Kentucky and reflect on my experience at THATCampSE2013.

Ending the Hostilities

I am writing this on a bus from Dublin to Belfast. Bill and Ben, my brother and sister-in-law, one of my nephews, and my cousin and her husband are all taking the trip.

Gendered Innovations: Sparking New Ideas

What happens when you bring together sixty scientists, engineers, medical researchers, and gender experts in a series of international, collaborative workshops? You get something radically new. That’s the goal of Gendered Innovations. A Stanford startup, Gendered Innovations in Science, Health & Medicine, Engineering, and Environment adds value to science, medicine, and technology by deploying methods of sex and gender analysis.

Giant Ground Sloth Task Force

Brent Chesley found himself the only faculty member on a committee of administrators. He shares the experience.

Introducing Conference Connoisseurs

The accountability craze is everywhere. In our new feature, an assessment expert and an institutional researcher review restaurants in cities where academic conferences abound. First up, Chicago.