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What MOOCs Have to Offer Liberal Arts

A new form of education could revitalize a traditional form of education.

Making the Best of Assessment

Professors are right to doubt the motives of many of those pushing for precise measures of student learning, but that doesn't mean the ideas behind assessment aren't valid or that they are inconsistent with the liberal arts, writes Adam Kotsko.

Building A Tech Playground

Wouldn’t it be great if we had some sort of dedicated room with plenty of up to date technology, where faculty could go to learn how to use some of the latest tech in their courses?

The Liberal Arts of Ed Tech

This post is a mash note to all my colleagues with ed tech jobs and liberal arts backgrounds.

University Mergers in Russia: Happy marriage or misalliance

“And they lived happily ever after.” No one should expect that it could be an appropriate start for a story about university mergers in Russia.

I'm Failing My MOOC

I thought I should try out a MOOC for myself to see what kind of future awaits me. I'm failing, but that doesn't mean I'm not learning.

Engaged Students

Students may be more willing to welcome significant learning experiences than critics of academe realize, at least if professors make the right assignments, writes Robert M. Eisinger.

The Math Doesn’t Work

Most faculty members don't have the hours in a day to do everything they are supposed to do, writes Nate Kreuter.