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3 Economic Arguments for Alt-Ac Ed Tech Careers

Why consider an academic ed tech career rather than a traditional post-doc to tenure track gig? Economics.

MOOCs, History and Context

Massive open online courses might only be a footnote in the evolution of higher education, but they reflect a revolution that is taking place regardless of whether they succeed, writes Arthur Levine.

Interview Questions

Sarah Ann Fleming considers what you are likely to be asked and what you might want to ask.

Adjuncts and Alt-Ac?

Graduate programs and institutions are beginning to offer professional development opportunities that prepare grad students for alt-ac careers. I once again ask, what about the adjuncts?

A Few Google Glass Education Fantasies

Will a wearable browser / heads up display / audio & video recorder / app mobile device provide interesting opportunities for learning?

Fixing the Numbers (Well, Maybe)

Gender, committee memberships and research grants.