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Competitive Advantage?

A headline in Forbes this week caught my eye -- “It’s Official! The End of Competitive Advantage.” I was intrigued.

Ordinary Americans

Whenever I hear some official reassure us that “ordinary Americans have nothing to fear,” I start to worry.

The Other Higher Education

There are too many countries with highly educated taxi drivers. Not that someone with a university degree shouldn’t drive a taxi but only if this is a choice, not employment for lack of any other. What is the alternative?

Can Canada Attract American Students?

Can Canada attract more U.S. undergraduate students? Perhaps, but there are some significant changes that need to be made.

Take This Advice and ...

If you are starting off an academic career, you need to listen to the experiences and ideas of others, but also need to know when to ignore them, writes Rachel Leventhal-Weiner.

Stop Scaring Students

Devorah Lieberman wants pundits to stop ignoring the evidence that college helps people economically, even in economic downturns.

The Internship Conundrum

How to make internships an option for community college students.