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Or, how peer mentoring saves “early career” academics.

Should a Student Haveto Try to Fail?

It's easy to fail a course, but it's also quite hard.

Friday Fragments

Writing, summer schedules, court rulings and more ....

If sustainability is to unify . . .

The broad concept of sustainability -- doing what works best in the long run, not just what gives the biggest economic return today -- must be a central component of any education relevant in the 21st century. However, to deliver that, we need to be clear about what we mean to achieve.

Math Geek Mom: Wisdom Beyond Computers

Advising and receiving advice from a daughter.

Nepotism Follow-up: Inconsistent Hiring Practices

Nepotism is just one form of inconsistent hiring practice that breeds distrust, pushing hiring practice into the realm of organizational ethics.

The Legal Future of Affirmative Action

Rod Smolla sees signs of new limits ahead -- both in this week's decision and in the justices' statements during oral arguments.