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Relevance In The Marketplace

As the late MIT economist Rudi Dornbusch once said, “... things take longer to happen than you think they will, and then they happen faster than you thought they could.”

An Offline Thought Experiment

Pretend that you were leaving for 11 days and that you are going to be completely offline. No ability to read e-mail, even if you wanted to read e-mail.

Entertaining? Technically, It’s More Like Corruption

Unfortunately, though, the second-home scandal at NYU is just a particularly egregious extension of the dysfunctional human resource practices in higher education generally, and a sad comment on who is being attracted to academia these days -- and why.

Making Sense of Euro MOOCs

Our European MOOCs in Global Context Workshop (19-20 June 2013 @ UW-Madison) went very well, in my biased opinion. The event was kicked off by a provocative and well-crafted keynote lecture by George Siemens of Athabasca University.

Guerrilla Ambush

We've learned to tune out the constant bombardment of advertisements. Scott McLemee looks at a new analysis of techniques for commanding consumer attention.

Sharing Success in New Ways

For non-faculty careers, you need to describe accomplishments in different ways than you would when seeking a position as professor, write Brenda Bethman and C. Shaun Longstreet.


If you want a serious discussion of college costs ....