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The AHA Asks "What About the Children?"

Is scholarship serial? Better call in the serial killers.

In Search of the Missing Link

Citing Internet sources in legal decisions and scholarship is the new normal -- and so are disappearing web pages. Scott McLemee clicks through.

Adjunct Adjustments

When searching for new sections to teach at new colleges, it's important for contingent faculty to show they can customize a syllabus for a new institution, writes Luke Niebler.

Social Theory Through Complaining

Kieran Healy offers a syllabus on the issues about which grad students complain.

Better in Argentina Than in Brazil

Better in Brazil than Saudi Arabia. MOOCs leave professors teaching “blindly” with very little idea of who is the audience, let alone which cultures have educated them.

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Lessons from an opportunity.

The Stakes for All of Us

It's not MOOCs or administrative bloat that deserve academe's attention, writes Matthew Pratt Guterl. The issue that is destroying opportunity for students like he once was is the defunding of public higher education.