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Intense Academic Experiences

Two recent week-long institutes/activities has me reflecting on the value of such experiences.

Dear Mr. President ...

Richard Ekman takes issue with recent administration rhetoric about college costs and prices.

A Mentoring Manifesto

Kerry Ann Rockquemore sums up the themes of her series on how best to help new professors.

Fueling Grad School

From the application to the dissertation.

College Websites and Alt-Ac Invisibility

How visible are alt-ac staff on your university website? Most every higher ed website will feature faculty directories, or lists...

The Dear Colleague Revolution

Leaving a job after trying hard to make a difference.

Objective Evaluation

No different than many of my peers, I have strong feelings on many issues. Some are well grounded in fact; others are “gut reactions” on a much more emotional level. Likely, my evaluations, opinions and judgments reflect my values, which impact their objectivity.