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Speed of Communication

The impact of rapid reports.

My Idea for Higher Ed Reform: Do Nothing

Where has decades of "reform" gotten us in primary and secondary education?

This mountain won't come to Muhammad

Why, even at this late date, we need to mitigate, not just survive, climate change.

Drum Roll Please...

Announcing the "Share your Workspace" photo contest winners.

Lessons From Wyoming

Susan Resneck Pierce looks at a very short-term presidency and asks if there are lessons about how a new campus leader can promote change and build support for a new agenda.

We Are Not Luddites

It's easy to caricature professors who oppose online teaching, but there are good reasons to be concerned about the current "technological hypnosis," Brooks Kohler argues.

The tenured blogger says: detachment, then action

In yoga, I'm learning detachment. By "detachment," I mean, "not over identifying with external circumstance." And when I say "I'm...