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Job, Career, Vocation, Life

Even under today's strains, professors should step back and look broadly at the various dimensions of their work lives to take full advantage of the opportunities, Charles Mathewes writes.

Year of the Backlash

Might massive online courses from elite institutions -- which have been credited with legitimizing online education -- actually be undermining the public view of other forms of digital learning, Peter Stokes and Sean Gallagher ask?

From First-Gen College Student to First-Gen Grad Student

Adapting to graduate study as a first-generation student

Excited and Overwhelmed: First Year Students in the Library

Hurrah - a new Project Information Literacy report is out!

The Cognitive Infrastructure Built by the MOOC Bubble

Why massively open online courses will ultimately benefit all of higher ed.

Benchmarking or Competing?

International comparisons divert attention from the main purpose of the educational enterprise and often influence national policy; in that sense, they are dangerous.