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A Qualified Yes on Unit Records

We need a better national data system about college students, but it needs to be designed to put numbers in context and to avoid holding colleges accountable for things they can't control, writes Paul LeBlanc.

On Your Marks

To try to improve the well-being of its students, U of All People crafts an academic triathlon. David Galef weighs in.

Dr. Doctorstein's Guest Post

A few questions about the Ed-Tech Establishment

A Year After 'Leaning In'

Some issues that are missing from the book.

de Man Overboard!

A new biography of the most influential literary theorist of his generation looks into his dark past. Scott McLemee thinks it's a scandal.

What Are Your Terms?

David M. Ball sees the controversy over a rescinded job offer as reflecting larger tensions between research universities that train doctoral students and the other institutions that employ them.