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Tech News Is Boring

Some predictions and a list of my daily tech news wanderings.

The Economics of Prestige

CUNY's hiring of Paul Krugman was seen as a coup, but James Hoff doesn't think public universities should be spending big bucks on stars who won't do much teaching.

The Difficulty of Delegating

Faculty members with long to-do lists need to think about when and how to trust others with key tasks, writes Nate Kreuter.

You Are We and We Are Not Alone

Finding community as a graduate student with disability

Reform to What End?

The questions behind the questions on developmental education.

PISA Implications for Higher Ed

OECD has just published results of its assessment of student proficiency in 45 countries and regions of problem-solving at age 15.

Make Up Your Mind, Thomas Friedman

America's foremost op-ed columnist needs to decide what we're supposed to do and stick with it.