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The Fashionable Academic

Looking stylish and being scholarly.

Writing Boot Camps

How to find, join, or plan your own

Australia-Africa Network Strengthened

Worldwide, Africa’s visibility is still low on the higher education horizon. The lack of attention to Africa ignores its size and diversity — 55 nations, with a population of 1 billion.

TONY Questions

I am a faithful TONY awards watcher. Every year, I try to make sure that my schedule allows me to watch the actual broadcast and virtually every year I have been able to do so, often accompanied by my older daughter who shares my passion for theater.

Why Developmental English Breaks My Heart

Compared to what she does now, teaching courses like "Writing Poetry" and "Women's Perspectives" was easy, Pam Whitfield says. But if she went back, who would help TJ or the anxious 30-year-old veteran?

Channeling Mom in the Classroom

Jessica Wells Cantiello’s mother drove her slightly crazy with mountainous packets of news clippings. Now her students are the beneficiaries.