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Beyond Flipping Classrooms

Sharing lessons beyond the MOOC hype.

Dissertation Advisers and Their Motives

Professors need to ask themselves why they seek to supervise the work of Ph.D. students, and whose interests are being served, writes Heather Dubrow.

Summer Boundaries

If you are only being paid for nine months of work, and you need summers for research, you need to set some limits, writes Nate Kreuter.

Following America's Bad Example

Christopher Pyne, Australia's Minister for Education, suggested that “We have much to learn from our friends in the Unites States” when he proposed that the government deregulate fees and charge real interest on student loans.

Summer Nonfiction

What are you currently reading or planning to read?

Commencement Remarks

As the president of my local school board I have the pleasure of making remarks at the high school graduation.