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Education Is Not Like Eating at the Olive Garden

At the Aspen Ideas Festival, Larry Summers declares, "Let them eat breadsticks!"

Short-Term Policy, Short-Term Thinking

The benefits of international exchange are long-term and long lasting. Sadly, it seems that we live in a country where there is only short-term.

Economics of Higher Education

Very often in higher education, when we look at enrollment, the numbers are aggregated. We look at the headcount of students or the number of full-time students or the number of new students or transfer students, etc.

All Children Matter

Accepting responsibility.

Academic Fraud, Athletes and Faculty Responsibility

As the NCAA reopens its investigation of the U. of North Carolina, professors must take more seriously the threat that academic wrongdoing poses to their institutions, write Gerald Gurney and Mary Willingham.

5 Years Later

Jim Hunt looks back at some advice he had for fellow provosts.

Friday Fragments

Creating vs. analyzing, and a supervillain to be taken seriously.