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Moments and Monuments

Are libraries monuments to a fixed idea of knowledge, or are they places that nurture moment of inspiration? Turns out that "or" is Boolean.

India’s RIC Partnerships: Realities, Challenges, Possibilities

Although the RIC countries have major differences in their political, economic and higher educational systems, they still have some fundamental similarities in the global knowledge system.

Being Used to the 'Best' of Your Abilities

A former student thought I'd been demoted. The notion it might be true stuck with me.

Tenure at Small Colleges

At liberal arts institutions, writes Alan Hughes, teaching and community are crucial to your tenure bid.

No Apologies

It's time for students who leave MOOCs and the professors who teach them to stop apologizing, writes Jeffrey Pomerantz.

Should You Subscribe to Kindle Unlimited?

My experience with my first 8 Kindle / Audible subscription reads.