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OER Beyond Voluntarism

The drive for open educational resources is unlikely to take hold without more commercial support and incentives for faculty members and other stakeholders, Brian Jacobs argues.

In-Class Writing, 2014 Edition

As a new academic year begins, Ulf Kirchdorfer contemplates the end of cursive, having his composition students write essays on their smartphones, and more.

Call for Guest Posts on Parenting in Grad School

GradHacker is seeking guest posts on parenting in graduate school.

Certainty We Don’t Have

A need for honesty about preparing students for careers.

Shore Leave

A sociologist looks at what happens when a third of the world's wealth hides in tax havens. Scott McLemee watches him slice the globaloney.

Adjunct Pay and Anger

Two adjuncts discuss their working lives -- and the ways they respond to the injustices they face.