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Pleasures and Challenges of 24/7 Online Program Responsibility

Thoughts after getting a bit of distance from distance learning.

Welcome Week Speech to the Class of 2018

My blog for this week will be my actual Welcome Week 2014 speech to the Class of 2018.

Friday Fragments

Testing, parenthood and the search for the lost dog.

Why You Should Be an ACE Fellow

Considering academic leadership at the institutional level? Elizabeth Simmons explains how pursuing a fellowship both prepared her for future positions and altered her perspective on her current position.

Where's the Fourth Estate?

Reporters too rarely cast a skeptical eye on proposals and buzzwords that promise change and promote innovation in higher education, Bernard Fryshman argues.

Jell-O Molds and Cigarettes

As CVS stops selling cigarettes, and more universities get into the Jell-O mold business, Ryan Craig wonders when universities will stop trying to be all things to all people.