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Open Thread: From Coursework to Candidacy

How does life change after the move from "Ph.D. student" to "Ph.D. candidate"?


There are always issues with bureaucracies, whether in education, in health care, or in any field you can think of. We always strive to do better, but there are always problems.

Collision Course

Copyright, privacy and free speech.

What a Good Ally Looks Like

Emma Watson, feminism and more.

What I Wish I'd Known

Alexander L. Wisnoski III explains what new Ph.D. students in the humanities and social sciences need to learn about the job market.

Say No to ‘Checklist’ Accountability

Proposals to judge colleges with federal scorecards and rating systems would replace accreditors' thorough reviews of quality with a simplistic checklist that will only address symptoms and encourage gaming, argue Belle Wheelan and Mark Elgart.