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To Be or Not to Be Online

You might not want to be online, but you really already are.

Graduation Shouldn't Be Endpoint

Colleges that truly want to help first-generation students need to stay involved as they make their next transitions, write Karen Gross and Ivan Figueroa.

Meritocracy, Lottery, Game

Gerry Canavan questions the metaphor commonly used to describe the academic job market.

Conference Talks: A Head-butt or a Headache?

Advice on putting conference talks in perspective

"The Peripheral"

William Gibson's latest triumph.

Hong Kong, Ferrets and the Future of Academic Freedom

It’s impossible to predict what the world will look like in 30 years. China may well have assumed global pre-eminence by some measures, but it’s difficult to see that Hong Kong will retain the academic freedom of the past and be viable as an international education hub.