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Couch, Clinic, Scanner

Scott McLemee reviews David Hellerstein’s The Couch, the Clinic, and the Scanner: Stories From Three Revolutionary Eras of the Mind.

Friday Fragments: Parenting Edition

Good news for student parents; good news for purveyors of “dad jokes”; good news from The Boy.

20 Years of Experiencing Asian Invisibility in Academe

While some people may dismiss the phenomenon as no big deal, it is so strong that it’s as if a person does not physically exist, writes Keith Nabb.

Are Universities ‘How the World Became Rich’?

A higher education–centric theory of economic development.

The TikTok Hearings

Americans have a lot to worry about with data capture beyond TikTok.

Data Nirvana

Using great information to help transfer students.

How Faculty Can Help Ph.D.s Land Nonacademic Jobs

They can take steps to help position graduate students for different careers, writes Jocelyn Frelier, starting with moving away from a “just focus on your dissertation” approach.

Unapologetic Leadership: I Wear Chuck Taylors

Community college president Keith Curry writes that his choice of professional footwear helps him better connect with students and advocate on their behalf as his authentic self.