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Tug-of-War: Bought vs. Brought Credit

Can an incentive business model support a transfer-receptive culture?


Helping students understand what academics mean by the word.

Diversity Work, Meaningful Work and Faculty Workload

Joya Misra, Dawn Culpepper and KerryAnn O’Meara offer four strategies for ensuring workload and rewards systems equitably recognize the efforts of women faculty of color.

No Winners in a Curriculum War

Or maybe it’s the only way to bring about change?

What Higher Education Can Learn From a Public Charity Hospital

Add Ricardo Nuila to the list of physicians who write brilliantly about medical practice, a list that includes Atul Gawande, Jerome Groopman, Perri Klass, Siddhartha Mukherjee, Sherwin Nuland and Abraham Verghese.

Where Will Generative AI Lead?

Looking ahead to the not-too-distant future, we are likely to see more about biocomputers. Using brain and stem cells, researchers are hoping to vastly accelerate and expand performance.

Advancing Your Online Education Strategy

Successful planning approaches tend to ask and answer these 12 questions, Ben Chrischilles writes.

The Promise of Pedagogical Play

It can be valuable for not only children but also grown-ups, write Niya Bond and Todd Zakrajsek, and in fact should be a priority for academics’ professional development.