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Are MOOCs Working for Us? (Part 2)

Hybrid learning research: From constraints to networks.

Motivating Faculty to Teach Online

In the second part of a series on the influence of MOOCs on faculty behavior, Marie Norman offers suggestions for how administrators can use the courses to encourage professors to teach online.

Speak Out

The life of the Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh should inspire college presidents to speak out on tough issues, even at the risk of taking stands that will offend some, writes Karen Gross.

February Books

What did you read in our shortest month?

Travel Time

Traveling during the heart of winter can be challenging. Weather can change travel plans in a heartbeat.


So many questions, so few answers. Mark Drozdowski offers 50 of the former, mostly about things that perplex him about higher ed.

The Voodoo That MOOCs Do

Massive open online courses don't have a business model, but they can still help universities advance their missions, Ryan Craig argues. But it will take different kinds of courses led by different sorts of professors.