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In Defense of Curmudgeons

The majority of campus curmudgeons care about improving their institutions, writes Terry O'Banion. College leaders need to learn to listen to these concerned curmudgeons.

Lessons From a Bad Semester

A confluence of events kept Kevin Brown out of the classroom for almost a month last semester. Here's what he learned about his students, his colleagues and his teaching.

An Introduction to Text Expansion

How text expansion can save time and agony when typing.

Fear, Conferences, and Online Flight Reservations

The uncomfortable questions that run through our minds.

Policies and Conversation

Colleges need to focus not only on policies to prevent sexual assault, but on the importance of students talking openly about these issues, writes E. Gordon Gee.

iPads, Hotels, and Learning

When digital should not replace physical.

Fixing the Surveillance-Industrial Complex

A review of Bruce Schneier's book, Data and Goliath.