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Faculty Roles: The Next Diversity Frontier

It's time to stop pretending that all faculty members should or realistically have the talents to divide their efforts similarly among teaching, research and service, writes Judith Shapiro.

Initiative Triage

Sinclair's success and the ability to admit failure.

To Boost Media ROI, Stop Wasting Time on 3 Things

In an environment where we all must do more with less, it’s time to be more strategic. After all, media successes are not measured by the number of press releases issued.

Higher Ed and “Rise of the Robots”

How should we respond to a future of few jobs?

The Teaching Track

I have some (strong) thoughts on an idea that is making the rounds.

The Archive Is Closed

Social-media researchers have more than enough material for their research -- and that's getting to be a problem. Scott McLemee makes some inquiries.

Mentors vs. Sponsors

Kerry Ann Rockquemore describes how to woo a key backer for your academic career.