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Choking on AIR

Challenging a flawed critique of community colleges.

After Obergefell

Julia K. Stronks doesn't think the Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriage will create legal threats for Christian colleges. But she thinks it's time for many Christian colleges to change anyway.

As Audience Diversity Increases, Boost Marketing Effectiveness

Better understand your audiences and their preferences to jumpstart new campaigns and create a roadmap for navigating new environments.

I Read “Data and Goliath” Because of Barbara Fister

Why you might also want to put this book on your must read list.

College Students and the Confederate Flag

The tragic murders in Charleston highlight how much society has failed on issues of race, and why colleges need to consider whether they are moving beyond lip service in addressing these issues, writes Gail DiSabatino.

On Teaching the Confederacy

David C. Williard says students need help to move beyond the "heritage vs. hate" dichotomy.

Who Is Fellini?

When teaching undergraduates, it's important to remember what they don't know and to offer cues, writes Rob Weir.