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Agile Marketing: Right for Your University?

Paul Redfern shares how Gettysburg College implemented agile marketing in five steps.

Transforming a Course ...

... into a succession of immersive learning experiences.

Delegating Tips

If you know how to designate tasks, establish benchmarks and bring out the best in people, you can find an awesome virtual team to support you, writes Kerry Ann Rockquemore.

Paperless, Please

While it's possible today to conduct every state of the writing process without ever touching a piece of paper, to Scott McLemee, it sounds like a relentless hell of perfect efficiency.

Checking Our Library Privilege

The thing about privilege is that those who have it don't see it - and access to scholarship is no exception. But there are signs of change.

Does Tweeting Help Us Think?

Reflections on dLRN 2015 reflections.

Getting There From Here

How to encourage a large-scale transition to OER.