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Annotating the Syllabus

A painless and useful form of outcomes assessment.

man with briefcase stands atop stack of books that enable him to reach out for a star

A Personal Salute to General Education

Terry O’Banion describes how his career and life have benefited from a strong emphasis on general education.

From the Moment of Commitment Through Commencement

Academic coaching for Brooklyn College transfer students.

The letters "AI" in purple, against a dark background depicting the transfer of data in many different colors.

Getting a Grip on ChatGPT

Considering what academia got wrong about Wikipedia helps to crystallize the questions we should be asking about ChatGPT and our knowledge environments, Barbara Fister and Alison J. Head write.

An arrow illustration shows a person on an uncertain path, with twists in the path and question marks indicating decisions to be made.

Solving the Credit–for–Prior Learning Equity Paradox

New approaches to CPL can result in more adult college students and more equitable outcomes for them, writes Michelle Navarre Cleary, an educator focused on adult learners’ success. She offers four actions to take.

Structure Your Way to Engagement

Engagement requires freedom, but too much freedom results in inaction. The solution: structure.