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Consultants in higher education are rarely welcome. Often seen as mercenaries, or as cover for a management team seeking to make staff reductions, our experience is that above all, they are regarded as outsiders.

Why GMU’s Renaming Work Has Only Just Begun

Institutions considering a name change should keep these three things in mind.

The Power of What Cannot Be Seen

It's not what boards do (or don't do) but how they do their work that really matters, say Peter Eckel and Cathy Trower.

'Life Beyond Boundaries'

Scott McLemee reviews Life Beyond Boundaries: A Memoir, by Benedict Anderson, whose sense of scholarship, and of life itself, was that it ought to be a mode of open-ended exploration.

Ain’t It Awful?

Support groups can be empowering, but unless appropriately structured, they can result in a downward spiral that leaves everyone with unresolved anger, hopelessness and no clear direction forward, writes Kerry Ann Rockquemore.