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Are Excellence Initiatives Working?

While the first national excellence initiatives reflected a long-term national commitment to strengthen the contribution of tertiary education to economic development, the most recent wave seems to be stimulated by the perception of a competitive disadvantage as measured by the global rankings.

The Benefits of Disorganized Learning

I'm starting to think that my assignments are over-engineered.

All That (Marketing) Jazz

Maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of your marketing machinery by applying a few practical and proven principles of good musicianship.

In Loco Personal Trainer

Exercise improves cognition, so it's time for colleges to require physical education throughout a student's undergraduate experience, writes Karen Costa.

New Rule Threatens HBCUs

A proposed new federal rule could have unintended negative ramifications for historically black colleges and universities, argues Julianne Malveaux.

7 Ways To Relate ‘The Inevitable’ to the Future of Higher Ed

Why Kevin Kelly’s new book should be on your summer reading list.