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The Way We Publish Now

Some tenure and promotion committees for librarians need a brush-up on how to judge the quality of scholarship. Not to mention where their discipline has gone since they stopped paying attention.

A Sustainable Brand

Some thoughts about how institutions can establish brands that out-last a CMO or CEO.

Yes, It Was Plagiarism

Sections of Melania Trump's speech were, in fact plagiarized, and the scandal shouldn't be trivialized, writes R. Scott Rasnic.

The Politics Beyond the Plagiarism

Calling Melania Trump a plagiarist gives her a kind of agency the Trump campaign probably didn't intend for her to have, argues Jonathan Beecher Field, and the incident involves far larger issues.

A Kinder Campus for Adjuncts?

Maria Shine Stewart proposes three questions for colleges to consider while reflecting on the teaching conditions of adjunct faculty members.

What ‘Paper’ Says About Technological Change

Relating edtech to Paper: Paging Through History by Mark Kurlansky