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The Next Revolution has Begun

The future of tertiary education will be significantly improved when the impermeable boundary between academic and vocational education that exists almost everywhere becomes more permeable and allows individuals to move back and forth across it.

Stress and Student Success

We in higher education now serve more students with more stress than ever before, yet we have done little to learn about the strategies to help them better manage it, argues Karen Costa.

Tragic and Troubled Times

America today is similar to 1968, writes Nathan O. Hatch, full of heightened racial tension and repeated incidents of violence against the backdrop of an overheated political season. What can college leaders do?

How Much Does Higher Ed Spend on IT?

Questions inspired by noodling around an EDUCAUSE Core Data Service report.

A Thin Place

Reflections, while coming home.

Worth vs. Value in Job Negotiations

They are not synonymous, especially in the career arena, writes Michael A. Matrone, and you should not allow greed to damage good relations between you and a future employer.

What's Missing in the Student Debt Debate

Unfortunately, the news media and other observers often overlook the fact that student debt is a problem with a color and class element, writes Mark Huelsman.

The Variables Governing the ‘Rise and Fall of Nations’

Are non-Ph.D.s better equipped to understand the future of the global economy?