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Brave New World

Scott McLemee delves into The Quantified Self by Deborah Lupton, a study of how digital self-tracking is insinuating itself into every nook and cranny of human experience.

Grad Students And The Law

An attorney reflects on common legal issues graduate students face.

Open Online Education and Liberal Arts Schools

Looking beyond professional and skills-based MOOCs.

How to Market Your Master’s Program to International Students

Individual programs that want more international students can ‘globalize’ their marketing and recruitment.

The Language of “Privilege” Doesn’t Work

It can shut down conversations before they become meaningful, and it is not a particularly useful phrase to incite change in the minds or actions of others, argues Stephen J. Aguilar.

When a B Isn’t Good Enough

The traditional definition of at-risk students is wrong, and we need to do more to help students caught in an institutional blind spot, write Angela Baldasare, Melissa Vito and Vincent J. Del Casino Jr.