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Microphone in focus in front of a blurred crowd of people

Lessons in Public Scholarship

Public-facing work shouldn't just be an add-on to scholarly work but also an integral aspect of our jobs as researchers, writers and teachers, writes Christopher Schaberg.

Reporting and Conflict Avoidance

When conflict avoidance only generates more conflict.

Cover of The Education Myth by Jon Shelton

Academics and ‘The Education Myth’

Is investing in higher education truly the best path for reducing inequality and building a broad middle class?

Bright red lock sits on a clipboard with a list on it (opinion)

Navigating the Hidden Curriculum Part II

Aurora Washington and Rebekah Layton explore social identity, peer relationships, self-advocacy and accessing resources—in hopes of providing context and support for those just now encountering these parts of the hidden curriculum.

Explaining Cheating on Practice Exams

Ben Paris considers why students cheat.

Closing the Curtain

Colleges and the future of local, regional, avant-garde, radical and experimental theater.

Three female swimmers swim in three different pool lanes.

End Admissions Preferences for Athletes

Admissions preferences for athletes favor wealthy, white families and corrupt youth sport, Rick Eckstein and Linda Flanagan write.

The word Accepted followed by an asterisk on a black background

Who Can Teach Ethnic Studies Revisited

Carmen R. Lugo-Lugo further explores its genesis and history, which she divides into three parts.