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A Friendly Critique of 'Palaces for the People’

What happens when three IHE bloggers recommend the same book?

Stretch Your Teaching Muscles

Lessons in teaching undergraduates from across the (imagined) Humanities/STEM line.

A Road to Nowhere

Many community colleges rely too much on associate degrees that have little labor market value and too rarely lead to a four-year credential, Ryan Craig argues.

Billion-Year Spree

In On the Future: Prospects for Humanity, Martin Rees encourages us to think beyond the new norms of diminished and collapsing expectations, writes Scott McLemee.

The Best Way Out Is Always Through

Sriram Khé describes what he wishes he learned in graduate school, especially when it comes to advising students.

The Case Against 'The Case Against Education'

Why this excellent book gets higher education completely wrong.