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Outgrowing Santa

Every parent knows the moment is inevitable. I think The Boy is onto us about Santa. He hasn’t actually said...

Brace yourselves: Facebook rolls out new profile pages

Mark Zuckerberg et al. seem to find endless joy in making us learn a new user interface (UI). It is...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Abbreviated Pre-Holiday Edition

Classes are over, so I’m breathing a sigh of relief, right? Well, in a word, no. Now we hold all...

Freedom With Responsibility in Cornell's Caring Community

Last week Cornell University's Office of the Dean of Students and Cornell Information Technologies hosted a forum to discuss technology...

Higher Education Under American influence? The French diaspora and higher education reforms

A lot of ink has already been spilled over the recent French report from the Montaigne Institute “Gone for good...

Is Fundamental Change Really 'Inevitable'?

On November 17, an article here entitled “ Is Higher Ed Ready to Change?” referred to “the embrace of the...

Getting In on the Ground Floor

Even in the tight job market, new academic units are hiring. Would their positions be a good fit for you? Daniel Kennedy shares questions to consider.

Google: Groupon? Not Blackboard?

Six billion for Groupon from Google would have been a stupid number. A stupid deal. Google got lucky that Groupon...