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The hospital where my wife is a doc went live with a brand new electronic medical record system on Saturday. This transition is a huge deal, impacting every facet of how inpatient and outpatient care is delivered, tracked, analyzed and billed.


1. Do you know of anyone who is working across the domains of medical computing and academic computing? On a Venn diagram, what would fall under the intersection of medical and academic computing?

2. The 2009 stimulus bill included $19 billion in funding for health care IT, designed to accelerate the migration to electronic health records. What kind of stimulus dollars, if any, are available to higher ed to invest in educational technology infrastructure projects?

3. Student Information Systems and Learning Management Systems are ubiquitous in our world. However, according to the New England Journal of Medicine, only 1.5% of U.S. hospitals "have a comprehensive electronic-records system (i.e., present in all clinical units)". Does this mean that the health care world is dramatically behind the higher ed world when it comes to technology?

4. My wife's hospital system chose the Wisconsin-based Epic platform, the same system utilized by the Cleveland Clinic and Kaiser Permanente. I know that Google, Intel, Cisco and Microsoft are investing big money into health care technology, and I'm surprised that there has not been a roll-up in this industry (Epic is privately held). Does anyone know of a primer or a synthesis of the vendor space in electronic medical records? Do any companies that we do business with in ed tech also operate in the med tech world?

5. According to our local paper, Epic is sending "80 consultants on-site as the system goes live". I've never heard of that many people coming from a vendor for a higher ed implementation or migration. Have you ever experienced anything like this in your higher ed world?

Can you think of any reasons why the ed tech and med tech worlds should understand each other? What questions would you have about the world of electronic medical records?

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