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I know that some of you are waiting for another post about #NASPACPA consolidation. Trust me, it's on its way. I need some time to process the multitude of conversations, documents, opinions, and views on the topic. It really is a massive process. In fact, the topic for this week's Student Affairs Live show (one of my many side projects) is all about #NASPACPA. Viewers of the show will be able to ask questions / comment using the Twitter hashtag: #SAlive.

For this post, I wanted to focus my attention on three YouTube videos that I found to be extremely captivating. I consume a lot of media. YouTube is one of my many content-jukeboxes. I use it for entertainment and education. These three clips are all different, but they instantly get your attention. I've watched all of them several times.

The first video is a mini-documentary from NC State. Part of the "It Gets Better" campaign, the first 4 minutes of the video had me in tears. The next ten minutes represent a triumphant arc of hope. I really cherish this video. It showcases how video can be used to share a message that is honest and impactful. Well done!

Many of you were made aware of Dean Elmore from Boston University when I featured him in my "Tweeting Dean of Students" post. Well, Kenn is back at it with a quick video for the Boston University 2011 Class Gift Campaign. The clip is short and sweet, but the energy is huge. I was on the edge of my seat as I waited for the punchline...and Kenn didn't let me down. I'm tempted to donate $20.11 to the campaign because of this video.

Full disclosure, I'm a Beaver. That's right. I have a graduate degree from Oregon State University and I still reside in Corvallis. However, when I watched this clip from Darryl Lai, a Senior in Business Administration at OSU, I was instantly drawn into its visual narrative. The winning entry in the OSthankU Video Contest, Darryl's video is a terrific snapshot of life at OSU. "OSU is a place to learn how to learn." Beautiful sentiment.

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