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What to Measure and Reward at Community Colleges

States need to move beyond enrollment formulas, write George R. Boggs and Marlene B. Seltzer.

Switching Sides of the Table

A year after being interviewed for jobs, Kimberly A. Hamlin is asking the questions of candidates, and considers her new perspective.

Assessment Changes Everything

Humanities professors should not fear the measurement of learning outcomes, but should view the process as one that can help students and the academy, writes Gerald Graff.

Zombie Nation

Cannibalism and human depravity? Dante would have loved it. Scott McLemee interviews a religious scholar about our fascination with the living dead.

The Internship Racket

Recent steps to help low-income students afford summer positions are nice, says Anthony Paletta, but colleges should go further: by minimizing the value they place on internships.

Face Value

Barbara Fister sees common issues -- and reasons for scholars to pay closer attention -- in the debates over Facebook privacy, Google's library project, and the relationship between academics, libraries and journals.

Global U.

Andrew Ross questions the motives and assumptions behind the push by American universities to open campuses abroad.

Valentine's Day Truths About Shakespeare

Valentine's Day. Time to pull out your Shakespeare's Sonnets, choose one to type up in a fancy font for that...