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There is more to Richard Posner's book on public intellectuals than the Top 100 list. Scott McLemee revisits it....

Learning to Raise Money -- as an Academic Administrator

Michael Bugeja recalls how he learned development and offers tips for those who didn't expect that to be part of their careers.

Academic Freedom, Outside the Academy

Should college and university professors alone have their work protected by "the scholar's woolen cloak?" Alan Contreras can't imagine why.

Can Liberal Arts Colleges Be Saved?

Victor E. Ferrall Jr. writes that these institutions are vital to society -- and need to replace their sales pitches with arguments and policies that are more true to their missions.

A Call for Professional Attire

Erik M. Jensen thinks it's time for professors to start dressing like professors, and he has some fashion rules to share.

Real Progress (Finally) on College Affordability

After years of delay and defensiveness by some leaders in higher education, Congress is poised to start getting the cost crisis under control, writes Rep. Howard P. (Buck) McKeon.

Blue Skies Ahead?

Historians think Hurricane Katrina may have been a turning point for America. Scott McLemee isn't swept away....

Discounting Our Way to Affordability?

Higher education can’t solve the problem of student access merely by having a few wealthy colleges replace grants with loans, write William Durden and Robert Massa.