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Impostors, Performers, Professionals - II

Steven J. Corbett and Teagan E. Decker consider the job search process.

Adjunct to the Tenure Track -- II

Philip Nel discusses how he handled campus visits, interviews and dual career issues.

From Adjunct to the Tenure Track

Philip Nel explains how publishing, technology and opportunism helped him make the transition sought by so many.

Quitting an Adjunct Career

Harvest Moon reflects on why she loved teaching, and why she had to stop.

Going on the Job Market, ABD -- II

Gerry Canavan explains why networking matters, why "elite" status can hurt you, and some of the contradictions of trying to land a good position.

Going on the Job Market, ABD

In the first of a two-part column, Gerry Canavan reviews the initial preparations and minimum requirements.

The Myth of Ivy Advantage

Ph.D.s from elite universities certainly have some benefits, but they don't necessarily shine on the job market, writes Karen Kelsky.

Don't Be a Snob

Even if you find at a campus visit that an institution isn't for you, never show a lack of interest, writes Kathryn Hume.